Poets in the World

Poets in the World Book Series

Poets in the World is a book series out of the Poetry Foundation’s Monroe Poetry Institute that offers English-speaking audiences a rare glimpse at the work of poets who have shaped literary traditions from around the globe, from Africa to Europe, Iraq to China, and beyond. Edited by Ilya Kaminsky, Poets in the World has collaborated with a wide range of American publishers to produce many books of poetry from around the globe. 

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Poetry International

Poetry International is one of the oldest literary journals in the world solely dedicated to poetry and poetics from around the globe.


International Poets in Conversation

International Poets in Conversation is a podcast series at Poetry Foundation that was edited by Ilya Kaminsky. You can find various international poets speaking about their poetics at the link below.


Words Without Borders

Words Without Borders is an online journal dedicated to international literature, where Ilya worked for many years. Here is a link to the Poetry Issue.

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Poets For Peace

In late 1990s, Ilya co-founded Poets For Peace, an organizations that raised funds for relief organizations such as Survivors International. Click on the link before for more information.

Here is a link to the Against Certainty anthology that included work of poets active in Poets For Peace events at that time.