(Click on covers for more information)
Graywold Press, 2019
“Re-envisioning disability as power and silence as singing, Kaminsky has created a searing allegory precisely tuned to our times, a stark appeal to our collective conscience.”
Tupelo Press, 2004
"…a remarkable debut, one that affords a rare and exhilarating pleasure: the sense of being at the start of something marvelous."
— Boston Review
Chapiteau Press, 2002
“What a glory Musica Humana is, all the depths and outer reaches of a human heart sung and spoken into visible existence. It is a book I wish I'd written, full of weeping and laughing and clapping and howling. It reaches far back into collective human imagination and charges our present moment with a great sense of destiny. I will read it again and again."
— Li-Young Lee
Ecco, 2010
"This brilliantly assembled gathering of world voices reads as a symphony of utterance beginning to end, an international conversation of the highest order, regarding the questions and concerns of humankind, beyond borders and all other such barriers, real or imagined. Abundant thanks especially to the editors and translators of this magnificent work."
— Carolyn Forché
(Click cover for more information)
McSweeney’s, 2017
“This anthology helps entice poetry skeptics and is designed to raise, heighten and deepen the questions we may have. It has become eloquent example of the why-how-what of poetry.”
“I can’t remember when I have read through an anthology with such interest, anticipating the pleasure of each poem, I had to stop again and again to ponder the poem as if staring at the after image of a blaze of light.”
— Zyzzyva
Tupelo Press, 2014
“As a whole, “Gossip and Metaphysics: Russian Modernist Poems and Prose” gives us an inside look at what it means to be a poet in a society undergoing cataclysmic upheaval and change. In these pages we find unassailable courage coupled with the dizzying beauty.”
— Sonja James, The Journal
Tupelo Press, 2012
“Whitman himself probably would have been awestruck by 19 prominent poets interviewed in God in the House. Editors Ilya Kaminsky and Katherine Towler gathered a diversity of visionaries that make nearly everyone feel welcome, from atheist to orthodox. In these interview-essays [by] authors such as Grace Paley…faith and poetry are not inimical, but parallel ways of entering into the great mystery of being. The anthology gives courage to seekers for whom religion is just the beginning”
– Philip Meters, Cleveland Plain Dealer
(Click cover for more information)
Marick Press, 2012
“How impressed and grateful I feel about this so varied anthology. Homage to Paul Celan is great gift for Celan lovers and others to come.”
— John Felstiner, Stanford University
Alice James Books, 2012
"this Dark Elderberry Branch is magic ."
— W.S. Merwin
“This is a gorgeous, gorgeous work by two brilliant poets. It evokes the depth, range and truest voice of this Russian master.”
— New York Times
(Click on cover for more information)
Tupelo Press, 2010
“Words flicker — strange, elegant — a Russian evanescence. Heat lightning pulses between her lines.”
-Dana Jennings, The New York Times
(Click on cover for more information)
Argos Press, 2011
“IF I WERE BORN IN PRAGUE re-interprets 17th century tavern songs and legends from the cultural heritage of Acadia, a culture destroyed when the British violently took over the region [into] poetry that also tips its hat to the French masters Rimbaud and Michaux.”
— Ping Pong: A Literary Journal of Henry Miller Library
International Editions
Libros del Aire, 2013
A bilingual edition of new poems and previously published poems.
Here is a review. And, here is another review. And here is a Spanish translation of a new long poem, “Sonya's Fairytale”, published in Las Malas Juntas.
Azul Press, 2011
Dutch translation.
Called by Breyten Breytenbach "the great Odessa poet." Depapen en Man discusses the Dutch translation here.
Ailuros Publishing, 2012
Selected poems in Russian.
The book made to Stanislav Lvovsky's most important books of the year 2012 list. "Переводы очень хороши," this Russian critic wrote in Colt, and in Poetry News Weekly, "Книга необыкновенно хороша".
Yunost Publishers, 2007
Translation of selected poems in Russian language.
Some poems from this book are also available here.
Éditions d'art Le Sabord, 2010
French translation of Dancing in Odessa.
The publication Nuit Blanche compared this work to Chagall, saying: "Chagall en poésie : Les Éditions d’art Le Sabord rendent accessible au public francophone la poésie d’Ilya Kaminsky avec la parution d’On danse à Odessa, publié initialement en anglais. On a rapproché le style de cet auteur maintes fois primé à l’œuvre de Chagall."
If you read in French, you can see a some poems by clicking on this link.
Editura Vinea, 2007
Dancing in Odessa was translated into Romanian and published in Bucharest.
The book was featured at the Bucharest International Book Fair. Romanian poet Radu Vancu wrote: "Ilya Kaminsky fiind si el, cum am scris deja in diverse contexte, unul dintre americanii mei preferati si unul dintre cei mai influenti poeti tineri din State (s-a vorbit prea putin in Romania despre Dansand in Odessa, volumul aparut in la Vinea in traducerea excelenta a lui Chris Tanasescu)." If you know Romanian you can read some poems by clicking on this link.
Blesok Publishers
Selected Poems of Ilya Kaminsky, translated into Macedonian by Igor Isakovskii
Artshop Press, 2014
Translations of Ilya Kaminsky's 'Dancing in Odessa' into Turkish, by Elif Sezen, published by Artshop Press, 2014, Istanbul
Dimma Publishers
Translations of Ilya Kaminsky's Dancing in Odessa into Icelandic, by Sigurður Pálsson and Sölvi Björn Sigurðsson.
Valparaiso Editions
Translated by G.A. Chaves
Kaminsky's Essay on Paul Celan, in Spanish
Kaminsky's essay on Marina Tsvetaeva, in Spanish
Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House
Dancing in Odessa: Poems and Essays of Ilya Kaminsky, translated into Chinese by Ming Di
200 pages
ISBN: 978-7-5321-4957-5