Bailando en Odessa
Libros del Aire, 2013
A bilingual edition of new poems and previously published poems.
Here is a review. And, here is another review. And here is a Spanish translation of a new long poem, “Sonya's Fairytale”, published in Las Malas Juntas.

Azul Press, 2011
Dutch translation.
Called by Breyten Breytenbach "the great Odessa poet." Depapen en Man discusses the Dutch translation here.

Музыка народов ветра
Ailuros Publishing, 2012
Selected poems in Russian.
The book made to Stanislav Lvovsky's most important books of the year 2012 list. "Переводы очень хороши," this Russian critic wrote in Colt, and in Poetry News Weekly, "Книга необыкновенно хороша".

Бродячие музыканты
Yunost Publishers, 2007
Translation of selected poems in Russian language.
Some poems from this book are also available here.

On Danse à Odessa
Éditions d'art Le Sabord, 2010
French translation of Dancing in Odessa.
The publication Nuit Blanche compared this work to Chagall, saying: "Chagall en poésie : Les Éditions d’art Le Sabord rendent accessible au public francophone la poésie d’Ilya Kaminsky avec la parution d’On danse à Odessa, publié initialement en anglais. On a rapproché le style de cet auteur maintes fois primé à l’œuvre de Chagall."
If you read in French, you can see a some poems by clicking on this link.

Dansând în Odessa
Editura Vinea, 2007
Dancing in Odessa was translated into Romanian and published in Bucharest.
The book was featured at the Bucharest International Book Fair. Romanian poet Radu Vancu wrote: "Ilya Kaminsky fiind si el, cum am scris deja in diverse contexte, unul dintre americanii mei preferati si unul dintre cei mai influenti poeti tineri din State (s-a vorbit prea putin in Romania despre Dansand in Odessa, volumul aparut in la Vinea in traducerea excelenta a lui Chris Tanasescu)." If you know Romanian you can read some poems by clicking on this link.

Танцувајќи во Одеcа
Blesok Publishers
Selected Poems of Ilya Kaminsky, translated into Macedonian by Igor Isakovskii

Odessa'da Dans
Artshop Press, 2014
Translations of Ilya Kaminsky's 'Dancing in Odessa' into Turkish, by Elif Sezen, published by Artshop Press, 2014, Istanbul

Dansað í Ódessa
Dimma Publishers
Translations of Ilya Kaminsky's Dancing in Odessa into Icelandic, by Sigurður Pálsson and Sölvi Björn Sigurðsson.

Bailando en Odesa
Valparaiso Editions
Translated by G.A. Chaves
Kaminsky's Essay on Paul Celan, in Spanish
Kaminsky's essay on Marina Tsvetaeva, in Spanish