Ecco Anthology of International Poetry
Ecco, 2010
"This brilliantly assembled gathering of world voices reads as a symphony of utterance beginning to end, an international conversation of the highest order, regarding the questions and concerns of humankind, beyond borders and all other such barriers, real or imagined. Abundant thanks especially to the editors and translators of this magnificent work."
— Carolyn Forché
(Click cover for more information)

In the Shape of a Human Body I Am Visiting the Earth: Poems from Far and Wide
McSweeney’s, 2017
“This anthology helps entice poetry skeptics and is designed to raise, heighten and deepen the questions we may have. It has become eloquent example of the why-how-what of poetry.”
“I can’t remember when I have read through an anthology with such interest, anticipating the pleasure of each poem, I had to stop again and again to ponder the poem as if staring at the after image of a blaze of light.”
— Zyzzyva

Gossip & Metaphysics: Russian Modernist Poems & Prose
Tupelo Press, 2014
“As a whole, “Gossip and Metaphysics: Russian Modernist Poems and Prose” gives us an inside look at what it means to be a poet in a society undergoing cataclysmic upheaval and change. In these pages we find unassailable courage coupled with the dizzying beauty.”
— Sonja James, The Journal

A God in the House: Poets Talk About Faith
Tupelo Press, 2012
“Whitman himself probably would have been awestruck by 19 prominent poets interviewed in God in the House. Editors Ilya Kaminsky and Katherine Towler gathered a diversity of visionaries that make nearly everyone feel welcome, from atheist to orthodox. In these interview-essays [by] authors such as Grace Paley…faith and poetry are not inimical, but parallel ways of entering into the great mystery of being. The anthology gives courage to seekers for whom religion is just the beginning”
– Philip Meters, Cleveland Plain Dealer
(Click cover for more information)